Sunday, June 1, 2008
That is probably not the best description, but it had a good ring of alliteration to it. But mainly, my premise is about the pains of going through the "Single- Hood" (...for further reading, may I suggest "What I Wish I'd Known When I was Single" by John Bytheway...pure poetry).
Some of the odd instances shown on the movie the “Single’s Ward” ring true (or in the case of our small selection…a Single’s Branch), yet I find that there are missing references to the biggest problem faced by the members of these institutions (sometimes best described as mental institutions). Anyhow, I am mainly speaking for the female gender when I point out the difficulties of finding dates and/or friends within the circle of the people you meet with on a weekly or sometimes biweekly basis.
When searching for someone who seems to you to be a good match for you, it is somewhat dangerous to make this fact known to the other members of your sex for the following may occur: the recipient of this information may miraculously find the object of your own affection to be irresistible to them. This causes concern. On the one hand, you are in the state of mind ready to pull out a full-on “smack down” on this person, thereby creating a hostile environment to be involved with. Another issue with the "crush crusher” (or the person who now realizes that they also have a crush on the person that you have had a crush on), is that you may begin to doubt yourself in relation to gaining a relationship with this person--- for the other person might "get" to him before you can (...especially if you work reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllly slowly). This will not end well for someone.

So now comes the conundrum: Do you let this person spin their web? Do you brawl with this person in the proverbial emotional “cage-fight” of the Single’s Branch? Or do you secretly sacrifice your entire attachment, hoping that the “crush” will find someone else (or already have someone else), so that you do not have to watch the “crusher” with the championship title (in other words, the title, "Mrs")?
(*Odd analogy, yes, but you get my drift. I haven’t been able to watch the “rip your heart out movies (aka: Chick Flicks), because of the whole “ripping your heart out” situation…so I am left with “blow-up, explosive action” movies to quell my theatrical lust…).
Furthermore, not only can you be faced with the fact that a friend has a crush on the same person that you do while in the “Single-hood,” but there may come the occasion, that they are acquainted with someone that you may find attractive and desirable. It then creates a horrible situation if you let them know this, or heaven forbid, ask them for help to gain favor with the guy. In this case, you have reversed the situation becoming a “crusher” yourself. Ouch. This is probably why singles “hang out” or do not even ask people out because the politics behind the whole thing becomes so mind boggling that ‘it’ may not be worth ‘it’… (Who am I kidding? ‘It’ is worth ‘it’, if I can just get ‘it’!) When did human relations become so difficult?! This is probably why arranged marriages were so popular back in the day...

By Mark Burdett on
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