Monday, February 25, 2008
At least that is what we hope...until it starts to snow again. But, the time has come to prepare for the inevitable twitterpation that seems to occur on the BYU-I campus every spring....AKA:"Oh crap, not again, please make it stop!!!" What exactly is "Twitterpation?" Oddly enough, there are definitions on the internet. Whether correct or not, the best I found was: "Twitterpated: An enjoyable disorder characterized by feelings of excitement, anticipation, high hopes, recent memories of interludes, giddiness, and physical overstimulation which occur simultaneously when experiencing a new love. These feelings take over without warning, usually at odd times (such as at a check-out line), with or without the partner present, and make it difficult to concentrate on anything but romance. They interfere with work and safe driving, but should be experienced at least once in every person's lifetime."
Well, that begs the question: "How in the heck are we to get twitterpated?" Either the guys here are married, taken, or too scared to try. "Why not just ask the guy out," you ask? Well, if we do, then that freaks the guy out even more! How dare we show interest in a guy! He will view it as only showing an interest in getting married. (True, but that's besides the point.)
We are told to find someone here, but we can't hang out. We are told that we should "stop looking and it will find us." What?! How is that supposed to work? Someone online put it best in regards to finding "that 'special someone' when you are not looking," when they said, "I'm so sick of hearing this. How exactly do you "not look" when you want a relationship? I lost my watch about 4 months ago. I quit looking about two months ago, and I still haven't found it." Amen. I don't want to say how long ago I "lost my watch," but it seems like everyone else knows what time it is and I wasn't even given a sundial!
We are also probably so petrified to get our hearts broken that we don't even try. My roommate Sarah, told me that "sometimes we need to put our heart out in the middle of the highway and let it get run over a few times before it will stick to a tire."
So, I will try to turn my heart into roadkill. And for those who actually get to participate in the "BYU-I DO," or the "Ring Before Spring, or Your Money Back," I say unto you: "Congratulations, I hope you have fun!" But for the time being, please let everyone else wallow in our own lack of twitterpation so that we can just enjoy the spring!
Yay! I'm excited you are blogging. Can't wait to read your thoughts-- you are always so fun and interesting. :-)
ReplyDeleteOk, so I saw on your facebook account that you have a blog. So...what do I do, look at it (of course), but unfortunatly there is nothing to look at! :( so sad. Seriously, a whole year ago? Come on gal! I'll invite you to mine if you will start bloggig again!